a little update from the barnes'!

it has been a long while since i have updated, so i thought it was time! it has officially been 7 months, 3 weeks and 2 days since matt and i have see each other. although it may sound a little depressing, it means we are getting closer to the end and him being home! His leave was supposed to hapen in august (which means he would have been home right now!) but something happened (love the army) and it was changed to october. although we were a little bummed, we looked at the bright side and thought only 2 more months! matt has been doing good, but ready to be home and move on to other things in our life. he is planning a trip for us to vanuatu (which is several islands off the coast of australia) to take when he returns. Ever since he went there in high school, he has told me he will take his wife there on their honeymoon, how lucky am i that i got to be his bride! i applied for my passport the other day in preperation! we are planning on staying at a resort for a few days then hicking and camping the rest of the trip, cant wait to see the beautiful islands in real life instead of just pictures!

Matt and I were ableto talk on the phone last week, our conversations are few and far between, but always so good! He had promotion board the first part of august (and of course did amazing) and is waiting on transcripts I mailed to see if he got promoted! Matt will for sure be home before Christmas (will be such a good holiday!) and then we are back to new york until april when he gets out of the Army! Then we have big plans of moving to georia to enjoy some sunshine and fresh peaches! we are also tenativley planning a wedding (so i can actually wear my wedding dress and invite our friends!) on September 4th, 2010. nothing of course if official yet, just thinkning! I'm so looking forward to matt being home and seeing each other every day. how nice it will be to wake up to each other every morning and eat dinner together! i will update everyone when i have more info!


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