Happy Thanksgiving!

so once again it has been a while since i have updated, so i thought it was time!
Matt finally came home on leave in october, we had such a great time. we spent several days in spokane, had a welcome home party with both our families, went to a cougar football game, seahawks game and a chiefs hockey game. It was so good to be with him everyday for 2 weeks, but it was even harder to say goodbye than last time. luckely its a much shorter time before we get to see each other again!

i have officially moved back to upstate new york! for the 3rd time i made the drive between washington and new york, this time my friend alissa made the trip with me. we made it in 49 hours, pretty impressive for 2 girls in a packed car! We had a ton of fun and it was so good to have her here to help with the house search and getting me settled in.

im loving being back but missing matt more than ever. he is supposed to be on a flight home leaving afganistan between dec 21-23, and if all goes as plans (which knowing the army it wont) he should be home December 31st! its a bummer he has to miss thanksgiving and Christmas, but we plan on celebrating on Jan 25th!

I've started my new job at Heath Photography ( http://www.heathphotography.net/ ) and am loving it. Im learning new things everyday and work with amazing people. Im so blessed to have this opportunity. I found a great place to live, its the bottom of a house in a little town called Philadelphia, (yes new york not pennsylvania!) its a bit of a fixer upper but alissa helped me paint the living room, dining room and bathroom, and remove wallpaper (water and vinegar in a spray bottle is the trick, all those years of watching hgtv has finally paid off!) next task is to refinish the hardwood floors! I have a great friend whos husband is also deployed with matt living with me until they get back. its great to have someone else going through the same thing as me! and we can count down the days together!


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