Happy Thanksgiving!

so once again it has been a while since i have updated, so i thought it was time!
Matt finally came home on leave in october, we had such a great time. we spent several days in spokane, had a welcome home party with both our families, went to a cougar football game, seahawks game and a chiefs hockey game. It was so good to be with him everyday for 2 weeks, but it was even harder to say goodbye than last time. luckely its a much shorter time before we get to see each other again!

i have officially moved back to upstate new york! for the 3rd time i made the drive between washington and new york, this time my friend alissa made the trip with me. we made it in 49 hours, pretty impressive for 2 girls in a packed car! We had a ton of fun and it was so good to have her here to help with the house search and getting me settled in.

im loving being back but missing matt more than ever. he is supposed to be on a flight home leaving afganistan between dec 21-23, and if all goes as plans (which knowing the army it wont) he should be home December 31st! its a bummer he has to miss thanksgiving and Christmas, but we plan on celebrating on Jan 25th!

I've started my new job at Heath Photography ( http://www.heathphotography.net/ ) and am loving it. Im learning new things everyday and work with amazing people. Im so blessed to have this opportunity. I found a great place to live, its the bottom of a house in a little town called Philadelphia, (yes new york not pennsylvania!) its a bit of a fixer upper but alissa helped me paint the living room, dining room and bathroom, and remove wallpaper (water and vinegar in a spray bottle is the trick, all those years of watching hgtv has finally paid off!) next task is to refinish the hardwood floors! I have a great friend whos husband is also deployed with matt living with me until they get back. its great to have someone else going through the same thing as me! and we can count down the days together!

a little update from the barnes'!

it has been a long while since i have updated, so i thought it was time! it has officially been 7 months, 3 weeks and 2 days since matt and i have see each other. although it may sound a little depressing, it means we are getting closer to the end and him being home! His leave was supposed to hapen in august (which means he would have been home right now!) but something happened (love the army) and it was changed to october. although we were a little bummed, we looked at the bright side and thought only 2 more months! matt has been doing good, but ready to be home and move on to other things in our life. he is planning a trip for us to vanuatu (which is several islands off the coast of australia) to take when he returns. Ever since he went there in high school, he has told me he will take his wife there on their honeymoon, how lucky am i that i got to be his bride! i applied for my passport the other day in preperation! we are planning on staying at a resort for a few days then hicking and camping the rest of the trip, cant wait to see the beautiful islands in real life instead of just pictures!

Matt and I were ableto talk on the phone last week, our conversations are few and far between, but always so good! He had promotion board the first part of august (and of course did amazing) and is waiting on transcripts I mailed to see if he got promoted! Matt will for sure be home before Christmas (will be such a good holiday!) and then we are back to new york until april when he gets out of the Army! Then we have big plans of moving to georia to enjoy some sunshine and fresh peaches! we are also tenativley planning a wedding (so i can actually wear my wedding dress and invite our friends!) on September 4th, 2010. nothing of course if official yet, just thinkning! I'm so looking forward to matt being home and seeing each other every day. how nice it will be to wake up to each other every morning and eat dinner together! i will update everyone when i have more info!

Denver Road Trip!

I have returned from an amazing weekend with some friends from high school and we had such a great time together. It just shows that true friendships will last, even if you don't talk for years! It was so good to spend a few days reminiscing with Kate and Ang, our goal is to make a trip each year together, hopefully we follow through! Kate had a friend (that neither ang or I knew) getting married in Denver, Colorado, so we tagged along for a road trip to the mile high city!
We started off with a goal to drive through Yellowstone (which was even more amazing then I remember!) and make it to a hotel 2 hours past to stay the night. We made a pit stop at the Silver Dollar restaurant to get some souvenirs and eat breakfast. We decided to split some pancakes and ang had to get french toast and we spent a grand total of $4.25, kate was so kind to treat us, and it was delicious!
We made it to Yellowstone and saw the sights (they are prefect to travel with, just like me. really we just wanted to say we had been there!) we ended up getting some great pictures and stretched our legs, which was mush needed! the mountains were amazing and we even saw some bison.

After a few hours we were off to Dubois, Wyoming to spend the night, or so we thought! We ended up making it, although they did have a hotel there was no place to eat and we were starving! So we decided to continue on to the next town, then the next town, then the next town. after being disappointed in Wyoming, we finally decided to drive all night and make it to Denver!

We finally made it to our hotel at 4am (mountain time) and the guy at the front desk was so kind as to let us check in early for the next day and didn't charge us of the night before(already off to a great start!)

We ended up sleeping in till about 11:30 and then were ready to start a fun day in denver! we decided to do a little shopping (and of course I didnt bring a bathing suit for the pool, so a new one was on the list.) we went to a hug mall and had a successful shopping spree! We ate amazing sandwiches at a 50's dinner and were back to the hotel. We had a great plan to go to downtown denver and eat somewhere we never have, but practicality got the best of us and we ended up going to chili's across the street and had amazing chips and salsa(thanks to Kate) and a quesadilla along with a few drinks. we made it back to the hotel for a late night swim (good thing I found a bathing suit), then called it a night for the bug day tomorrow!

Sunday was the reason we made the trip, Kate's friend was getting married at 7 that night. we decided to kill some time and went to Elitch Gardens, a theme park in downtown denver. I have a strong love for roller coasters, and made us go on the scariest one first. it was a hot day so we decided to head to the water park next. we went on a few rides, got wet, then decided to get the heck out of there! We headed back to the hotel and got ready for the wedding!

Thank goodness of the gps (I'm defiantly convinced i need one now) it saved us several times. we finally made it to the country club after a few wrong turns (our fault, not the gps!) It was a beautiful and elegant wedding. the tables were decorated with fancy china and flowers. The ceremony was outside on the balcony overlooking denver and beautiful landscaping. and the bride was of course gorgeous. They wrote their own vows and it was so cute! The reception was so much fun even though we didn't know anybody. the food was to die for and the wine was just as good! We danced, made new friends and decided to head back for the night.

We planned to wake up at 5, get ready and head for home. I woke up at 4:30 and decided I was ready to go (i get this from my dad) so we got a great early start for our several hour journey home! The only complaint i have about the drive was our eating choices. for some reason we thought it would be a good idea to stop at mcdonalds (for the 3rd time this trip) against my own will we ate it and payed for it later! We each drove about 5 hours and made it to spokane, dropped kate off and made it to omak at about 11:30.

We had such an amazing time, so glad i decided to take the adventure with them... i love you guys!

Swimming and VBS

Just as I thought, I have already fallen behind on keeping this dang blog up to date. But in all fairness I havent heard from Matt in 19 days, so i dont really have much new to report. There have been a few more incidents with some of the soldiers in his unit, you can read about the details on the Fort Drum website if you want(www.drum.army.mil/) Just in case you dont know he is in the 3rd Brigade, 2-87 Infantry HHC Company.
I get emails periodically from our FRG(Family Readiness Group, which is basically a group for spouses which keeps us informed about what is going on with the unit). Latley there has been several emails regarding upcoming events in the North Country (Northern New York) and it reminds me of why Matt and I loved it so much. They always have so many fun events going on, especially this time of year. It almost makes me wish i was still there, and gets me even more excited for when we get to go back!
This past week I have been helping with Vacation Bible School at Cornerstone doing preschool and kindergarden crafts with Jacque. It has been so much fun getting to know the kids and especially watching them sing praise songs! Yesterday afternoon Mandi went swimming with the McCunes and I tagged along and got some cute pictures of mandi and her very best friend Shantell, i just had to share them they were so adorable!

Im off this evening to Spokane and leaving in the morning for a summer road trip to Denver with some friends for a wedding! Promise to update with hopefully some great pictures of the city and our drive! And of course if I hear from Matt!

more each day :)

It has been a busy last couple of days for me, visiting friends in Battle Ground, driving home, unpacking only to repack for a weekend in Spokane at Women of Faith with my sisters and Mom. A busy weekend, but very good with several blessings, not only hearing from amazing women at the conference but also hearing from Matt!

I always love the drive from Battle Ground to my parents house. Although it seems like a long drive by yourself, its a great time to think about life. I also love driving past Fort Lewis and Tacoma (although most people hate it because they always have serious traffic problems) it reminds me of another phase in our life together. I think its the place where we really started our lives together. I made a choice to move to where he was working and after waiting patiently ( for a long long time!) Matt finally proposed and we got married only to start an amazing adventure! Within a month we had packed our very few belongings and started our married lives living in northern New York! Now he is deployed and we may not be loving this phase quite so much, we are making the best of it and getting through it by thinking about what we will do next!

Matt is doing good, he had a few days to himself, which was well deserved, while everyone else was out on a mission. He was able to have the Internet to himself which meant lots of emails, which I always love! They had a BBQ and he "ate so much it hurt and he had to sit down", which brings back several memories of BBQ's with friends in New York. Matt has a problem with knowing when enough is enough! He enjoyed his time off and I'm sure will be back to work soon. I love each email that Matt sends, it always enlightens me and reminds me of another side of him that I love. There really is nothing like only being able to communicate to someone you love through written words. Matt always amazes me with his thoughtfulness and kindness. When you first meet Matt you probably notice other things like his sense of humor or his ability to always make a situation fun, but the more time you spend with him and get to know him, you see who he really is, which is truly amazing! One of the things that I love most about him is that he is able to look past his own needs and care for other people. When you ask him what he needs, he never has an answer (which can be a little frustrating when you are trying to get together a package to mail!) He is always so content in whatever situation he is in and makes the most of it. It amazes me how he is able to be in another country living in a tent in the dessert eating the same food each week and still be so concerned with the people he loves at home. The more I hear from him, the happier I am that I was the one who was lucky enough to get to marry him. I go to sleep each night and wake up each morning feeling blessed that I get to have him in my life, even if we are so many miles apart. Although each day is a struggle for us, we are growing closer and falling more in love with each other each day. Distance really does make the heart grow fonder and after experiencing what we have, I know you can't really understand how it feels until you have been there yourself.

To make a long story short, I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband who cares about me so much. Thinking about his love for me gets me so excited for him to finally be home again and for us to continue our lives together!

dog park day!

hey everyone, i went to the dog park yet again today and this time decided to take my camera to caputre some of the oh so cute dogs we saw! It was a beautiful afternoon with lots of dogs to play with! Buddy had a great time running free, smelling and chasing other dogs! Here are a few of the pictures I got.

The Scotties Running Free!

Abbie likes to stay close.

Buddy Dog loves to Run!

It's been 10 days since I have heard from Matt, maybe tomorrow will be the day, he is a busy guy!

Hey Everyone!

Our first blog posting! Hopefully I will actually keep it up to date with what is happening in our lives! I'm in Battle ground, WA for a couple of weeks visiting some friends from school. My friend Alissa and I took our cute little dogs out for a walk the other day to Moultan Falls.

Such a beautiful place!

The dogs were loving it!

Matt is staying busy in Afganistan and sends an email about once a week. He says the time is passing fast and has got some great pictures to share with everyone when he gets home! Things will start to slow down for him in the fall and hopefully that means more emails and phone calls to his wife! We have survived 4 and a half months so far and are counting down the days until August when he gets to come home for 2 weeks on R&R. What a great 2 weeks they will be! Here are some pictures of Matt in Afganistan.